My life

Camp NaNo recap… did I win?!?!

Camp NaNo was…………………. AWESOME! Let me just say that! I had so much fun chatting, sprinting, sharing snippets, and obviously writing!

Thank you so much to the awesome girls in my cabin for sharing this new experience with me! <3

This was my first time doing Camp NaNo… my original goal was 50,000 words. But then life happened, I went to LA, fell behind from that, and yeah…

So I ended up lowering my goal to 40,000 words.

The question you’ve all been waiting for….. DID I ACHIEVE MY GOAL?


























did not…

























I WON! I finished at 40,043 words! 😀 😀 😀 😀

This was my first time writing a novel! I did not finish it, I am probably 80% done. I think I will do Camp NaNo again in July and edit like crazy! 😛

This month was so crazy!

This was the chart for my project stats….

Day 1 wrote I think 898 words, which was not good, it was Easter though so…

Then I made my goal every day until Day 11 where I got to 14,393 words but was supposed to reach the 14,666 mark :/

The next day I got 14,438 but that was because I was leaving LA and had to be to the airport by 1 o’clock and then I couldn’t figure out how to get on the internet…. D:

I didn’t make my daily goal again until day 23 at 30,727 (the daily goal was to reach 30,666 words)

The very next day my goal was not reached… again and I fell behind.

I caught up finally on the last day at 40,043 words.

I only caught up because at the beginning of day 28 I was at 35,647 words and on day 29 I was at 38,084 words! 😀

It was crazy.

Snippet Time!

Surrounded by a enigmatic cloud, Diana took the phone from it’s hanger on the wall beside a family photo.

She dialed a number and waited for a minute or so before she exclaimed. “Bonjour chérie comment allez-vous!!”

I choked on the apricot tea I had made for myself and had to set my mug down on the table.

I coughed and hacked for a minute before recovering my throat.

What! Was that french that just came from Diana’s lips? She knew how to speak french?

Apparently not because the next thing she said to the unknown human on the other end of the phone was in english.

“I’m doing pretty good! Can I ask you an enormous favor?”

That was all I heard because the next addition to the conversation was said in the garage behind a closed door.


“What!” Susie half yelled.

“They ordered something that we had never made before, we were happy to oblige. So we spent a whole day making it and now their canceling the order??? That’s just plain rude!” Daniel stormed.

“Why did they do that?” Mason questioned, confused but curious.

“We’re not really sure.” mom sighed.

“Well this is a dismal morning.” I commented.

“Yeah.” Susie agreed.

“C’mon gang! Brighten up! It’s going to be okay, let’s have breakfast.” Dad encouraged. “Oatmeal all around?”

We agreed, and shaped up our moods.

Mom started to heat up the water while I retrieved seven brightly colored bowls.

We worked together to prepare the oatmeal and then the bowls were set down onto the table.

Thank you guys for reading!

How did you do on Camp NaNo? Did you win? Do you like my snippets? Did you ever fall terribly behind like me? What was your goal?


Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash


  1. Great job on hitting your goal in Camp NaNoWriMo! 😃 And great snippets! (Loved the first one 😉)

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