Random Awesomeness

The Blogs I happen to be following

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! 😀 😀 Today I’m sharing with you all the blogs that I am following! ( All these blogs deserve more followers so go check them out!!!! 😉 )

They aren’t in any particular order!

I follow 60+ blogs so this might take awhile XD

Also if I follow your blog and I haven’t commented or liked your posts yet, that’s probably because I haven’t read them. I have fallen more them a week behind posts because I am devoting most of my time to Camp NaNo right now.

Let’s gooooooo!

Tunes of my Heart

A Purpose of Winged Dogs

Kimberly Moore

The Young and Dreaming


Sweet n’ Simple Photography

Josie Beth

Em in the Sun

Being Who I’m Meant To Be


Cassia Elisabeth

A Sapphire’s Stardust

The Art Lab

Total Bradness

Madison Grace Author

Donuts and Daydreams 

Joy Unspeakable

Brouhaha – Get it?

Simply Sapphire Song

Ariana’s Flying Life

Linds 4 Dance

Sparks of Ara

Taking the Cake

Peeking through a Kaleidoscope

A Little Bit of Runion

Questionable Tortoise Couture

Purely Olivia

Crystal Ice Studio

Clara & Co.

On the Wings of a Dream

Books, Baking, & Writing

American Girl World

Typically Untypical Teen 

Through the Eyes of Gracie

When Words Fly

Nancy Drew

It’s Brooke Jade

Life from Behind a Camera

Crafts of all Seasons

Lula Boo


Flourishing by Restful Falls

The Daydreaming Damsel

Crazy A

Island of Me

A Barefoot Gal

A Farm Girl’s Life

Maddy’s Digital Diary 

Learning to Live: Struggling to Thrive

Julia’s Creative Corner 

[title of blog]

Charis Rae

February Fairy

Julia Rose

Wild Pennings 

A Bounce in Your Step

A Snippet!

“This little mousey needs a name. We can’t just keep calling it him. Especially since we’re burying him. Oh, I said it again.” Diana ranted

“Ok…” she’s definitely crazy. “What do you want to name him?”


“Why Edward?” I ask. She’s for sure, beyond any doubt, crazy.

“Oh I don’t know, it just seems like a very good name for a mouse.”

Thanks for reading!

How many blogs are you following? Know any good blogs? Are you following any of these blogs? Am I following you? How’s your day going? Are you doing Camp NaNo? Tell me about your novel! (Either in the contact page or comment section)

Featured Image Photo by Jess Watters on Unsplash


  1. Thanks for following me! You’re so consistent in commenting on my posts, it makes me so happy 😀

      1. Thanks!!! It was amazing!!! I’ve been home for a while but I decided to take a much needed hiatus. I’ll be posting on Tuesday 😀

    1. Yeah! Awe thanks!!! <3 I need to follow your blog! I have to ask my mom to follow blogs and she still hasn't told if I can follow yours yet, she's a busy lady XD

I love comments!! The only thing I ask is that you keep them clean. Thank you! :D