Photoshoots Random Awesomeness

Best Pictures of January + Some Funny Gifs + Polls

Note: I have added to my blog a bit! I downloaded Jetpack!!! A couple of days ago I didn’t even know this existed :O But I installed it so now I have likes, a related posts section, and a social media sharing menu!! Yay!! Anyways…

Hello! Today I’m sharing with you my favorite pictures I took in January and afterwards some Gifs I found funny or I just liked! πŸ˜€ The pictures will go in order from oldest to most recent…

Also a quick poll….


Β I don’t love this picture but I think it looks kinda cool! πŸ™‚


Β I didn’t actually take this picture, my sister did but I love how it looks, foamy, hot chocolatey (is that a word??) awesomeness! These pictures are from this post.


This picture is so cute,Β  I love it! Livvy’s like am I allowed to be in here? It is from this post.


Β Another hot chocolate picture XD This picture and the following picture are from this post.


Β So pretty! I think this one is my favorite! πŸ˜€


I love Charlie Brown!


It’s a little person jumping on a trampoline!! πŸ˜€


That is one very fluffy dog! XD HE IS SO CUTE!!!

More Polls….



Did you take the polls? Did you like the Gifs? How’s your day going?

ALSO!! The Eagles won the Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! That’s the team I was rooting for! πŸ˜€

Who were you rooting for?




    1. Thanks! XD Ohhh you did! Did it work? I tried it out once but I think I drew it in the wrong place πŸ™ so it didn’t work.

I love comments!! The only thing I ask is that you keep them clean. Thank you! :D