
Photo Dump!

Good morning everyone! I hope you’re having a lovely day! 🙂 Today is the day for a photo dump. 😛 A few weeks back, I went to my Grandma’s house to stay the night and I brought along my Dad’s good camera. You know what happens when I get my hands on a good camera!! …

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Random Awesomeness


Hello! I would just like to note that………………………………………………….TODAY’S POST WILL BE MY 50TH POST!!! YAY!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 Ahem Updates, I have updates people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 UPDATES: 1.) Yours truly designed her own header  *applause* *cheering* *more applause* anyways, yes, you probably noticed that I have a header, finally actually there was not a ton of designing …

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