Book Tours Books!! Giveaways Guest Posts

SOULS ASTRAY BOOK BLOG TOUR – Guest Post by Troy + Book Spotlight + GIVEAWAY

Morning everyone! I can’t believe it’s May already… school is almost out… wow. XD That’s off topic though. Today, I’m posting about a blog tour for this new book…

Souls Astray by Kellyn Roth (Goodreads)

First up, we have an… interesting guest post from one of the main characters, Troy…. he seems like the type that’s overly protective of his younger sister, wouldn’t you say? 😉 After that, we have a book spotlight and more information about this tour…. including a giveaway link! 🙂

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Hello there! I’m Troy Kee, and today I’m supposed to write a guest post for this blog! In my time, which is the 1930s as of Souls Astray, we don’t have blogs (or rather the internet)! Very interesting concept.


I never was much good at writing—or math, for that matter! I hated school except science and history. Not much of a big reader, either, though I do like mysteries.


That said, I will do my best to be a wonderful guest blogger. I hope you won’t be too bored. (If you are, too bad! I’m in charge of this article, and I’ll say which reads it and who doesn’t.)


I was told to write about something I care about, and I thought, “What better than my family?” I care about them a lot, even though caring has got so it hurts. Rather badly. Sometimes it makes me what to quit living, but that’s not in my power.


And what if they need me?


I’m twenty-five now. It seems young to have done all I’ve done! I’ve been a husband—I am a father, but I don’t feel like a father. The laws have said that the mother gets primary custody, and I don’t want the baby without the mother.


I want my wife back, but that’s not going to happen.


It feels like my life has fallen apart, and I can’t help but blame myself. I should never have married her. I knew better. I was supposed to be the Christian one who had all the answers! But the world won, and now I’ve lost my baby.


There are a lot of problems with not listening to God the first time He tries to throw some advice at you.


But I also have a little sister—don’t tell her I said “little.” Unless you mean physically. She’d probably be fine with being called little physically. Lola is four years younger than me, and she’s been married longer than I was.


Stupid little kid got herself married at eighteen. And though she puts on a sunny exterior, I am quite convinced she’s miserable. She just pretends to be madly in love because she’s stubborn, but really, Dave, pleasant and humor-filled as he seemed, is probably a murderer.


She’s too good for him, too good for anyone, and besides, I’m all she needs! So yes, someday I shall convince her to murder Dave and come back and be my baby sister again. I need someone to mess up the house. It gets dreadfully clean with just me living here—and Harrington, of course.


Oh, I forgot to tell you about Harrington. He’s my guardian—er, was, before I grew up. Now he’s more like a family friend who helps me with the vineyard and reads big old books and grouches about … everything.


He has a heart of love, but he’d hate me for saying that.


He was the only person we had left after the war—even my uncle Henri, his best friend, was gone—so we got rather attached to him. Lola and I see him as a benevolent uncle or big brother who simply isn’t aware of how much he loves us. Because he does love us. Grumpily so, but it’s love.


Now, Harrington never liked Adele—that is, was, my wife. I think he would’ve loved the baby, but I didn’t get to keep the baby. So … yes.


I mean, yes, it got depressing fast.


Now, I have some professional advice as a man chastened and somewhat disappointed in family matters.


  • Always get God involved in your family.
  • Don’t marry people who don’t also want to get God involved in the family.
  • Also ask ahead of time if having a family is on the table at all. Because if you want it to be, and it isn’t (or vice-versa), you’re in a pickle.
  • Meet parents (if living) before the wedding. Unless they’re, I don’t know, German. (What? Too soon?)
  • But also remember that, although it’s good to fact check afterwards, there’s also such thing as … knowing. When you know, you know. And that’s it. I don’t regret that. I think I DID know a lot of things I needed to know … and after that, I just had to, you know, figure out the details. Which I really didn’t. But eh.
  • Guard the people you love no matter what. And go the extra mile. Especially for baby sisters, because they need you, and you’re all they’ve got. And SHELTER like mad because obviously they can’t take the realities of this world.
  • Get a dog, because dogs make everything better.
  • ALWAYS murder your brother-in-law. Always. This one is especially important, so I made an acronym to remember the rule: “AMYB.” You can remember this by simply saying, “Am you brother?” If he is a brother(-in-law), then BURN HIM. BURN HIM WITH FIRE.


So yes, that’s my best advice for being a family man—or you know, a family person. Which we all are, or we all hope to be at least.


Have a wonderful day, and give someone who you love a big hug!




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Hehe, quite the guest post, wasn’t it? 😀

Now, what’s this book all about?


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Souls Astray by Kellyn Roth (Goodreads)


Adele has been lost for a long time now …

Adele Collier has sought a carefree lifestyle ever since her tragic childhood. Determined to never
allow anyone or anything to control her life or emotions again, she consistently seeks distraction

in gaiety. But shaking her ghosts isn’t as easy as she’d like.

Troy Kee has been alone in the world since the Great War took his parents and left him in care of his younger sister. When she marries, he’s left to seek after his goal of a healthy, complete family. But how can he focus on his dream when trouble plagues his family vineyard?
When Adele and Troy meet, a whirlwind romance begins—but can two lost souls have a healthy relationship?

Amazon ~ Goodreads ~ A Special Review Defining the Content Level ~ My Website

Publication Date:
Saturday, May 4th, 2019

Possible Blog Tour:
May 4th-May 8th

Historical Drama

Can it standalone?:

Yes, but you’re gonna want to read book 1 when you finish for sure! 😉


About the Author

Kellyn Roth is a Christian & historical author from North-Eastern Oregon. Kell is a ranch girl, homeschool graduate, proud sister of four, proud auntie of five, and owner of two goofy border collies, two presumptuous cats, and a very active betta fish. Check out her website,, for more info.

Facebook Party

Main event: May 8th (10:00-3:00 PST)

Minor giveaways, excerpts, links, and more will be posted throughout the week.

Giveaway Graphic for SA blog tour


Enter the giveaway to win a signed paperback copy of Souls Astray and a $20 Amazon gift card.

Open to international entries.

Enter here!! 

This giveaway will close for entries on the 11th of May, which means your followers will be able to enter even after the tour is over!

What Folks Are Saying

“A tragic, well-crafted story of romance, family dynamics, and pain in the years between WW1 and WW2.” ~Jana Tenbrook

“Souls Astray is a heartrending novel, full of poignant themes and topics that are important even today. It is a captivating read and will leave you wanting more.” ~Michaela Bush

“Souls Astray contains characters who will tug your heartstrings, a story that engages on the first page, and leaves you hungry for more.” ~Angela R. Watts

“Engaging, heartbreaking, and a thoroughly good ride. Definitely a must-read for historical fiction lovers!” ~Lilian S.

“Souls Astray is a intriguing story with amazing writing and a whole lot of emotion!” ~Liz Franklin

“Souls Astray is a real, real story of raw emotion and clear truth, unafraid to touch the darkness with a thread of light.” ~Merie Shen

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Blog Tour Schedule


Saturday, May 4th

Intro // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Review & Interview with Troy and Harrington // Amie W. @ Crazy A

Review // Abigail McKenna @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors

Review // Jes Drew @ Agency of Books and Spies

Interview // Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger

Guest Post by Adele // Merie Shen @ Imperial Scribis

Review // Bella Putt


Sunday, May 5th

Interview with Adele // Michaela Bush @ Tangled Up In Writing

Review // Hannah Gridley @ The Heart of the Rose

Guest Post // Rose K. @ Adventurous Bookworm

Interview // Joshua Reid @ Take Up My Cross


Monday, May 6th

Character Takeover Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Guest Post by Troy // Liz Franklin @ Home with the Hummingbirds

Interview // Marianne Sciucco

Guest Post // Faith Blum


Tuesday, May 7th

Guest Post // Esther Jackson @ We’ve Got Pockets

Review // Jana T. @ Reviews from the Stacks

Review & Guest Post by Troy // A. Kaylee Harrison @ Kaylee’s Kind of Writes


Wednesday, May 8th\

Wrapup // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Review & Guest Post by Troy // Dawn Dagger @ Rosy Dawns and Radiant Musings

Guest Post // Medomfo @ Writings from a God Girl

Review // Ruth O’Neil @ Real Life is Better Than Fiction

Interview with Harrington // Isabel Olivetti @ Chasing Fantasia


Be sure to check out the Facebook party!


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Ahhh, you guys!! Aren’t all these covers so pretty?! I can’t wait for all of these books to get published. 😀

Now, here’s a few fun things… enjoy!


Kees & Colliers MBTI

So… supposedly I’m an ENFP… I’ve actually taken the MBTI test like three times. The first time…. I forget what I was… Enni would know. XD The other two times though, I’ve gotten an ENFP. Still not entirely sure on that though, hehe.

Kees & Colliers Book Title

Mine is Mother of the Masquerade. 🙂 That’d be an interesting book for sure.

new dividerHope you guys enjoyed that post! I thought it was pretty fun… though a little long. XD


Have you read Souls Astray? How about other books by Kellyn Roth? What did you think of the guest post? What would your Kees & Colliers title be? What’s your MBTI type?

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