Good morning everyone! I hope you’re having a lovely day! 🙂
Today is the day for a photo dump. 😛
A few weeks back, I went to my Grandma’s house to stay the night and I brought along my Dad’s good camera. You know what happens when I get my hands on a good camera!! 😉
Anyway, I have many, many photos to show you, so let’s get started!
EEE! So pretty!
I can’t decide if I like this one or not… it’s an interesting view! 🙂Can you see the lizard? It turned around and scampered away just as I was taking it’s picture!
AHHH! This lighting!!! Do you see that bee?Haha, the little beggars! XD
Haha, look at Duke! He loves sleeping up there! Almost every time we go into the barn, he’s there!
Walnut trees! 🙂
I like this one!
Well ain’t that a big wasp nest!
Oh silly dog! 😛
Pretty! 😀
Do you guys have this type of bee where you live?
I found some tiny mushrooms! XDIt’s ME! (picture taken in the mirror 😉 )
Also, the lighting is really weird on some of these because of all the smoke.Watching the sunset!
It was so cool, the sun was red before this, because you could see it through all the smoke and we were driving on the gator, so we rushed back, and grabbed my camera, but we were too late 🙁Look at the light the sun is casting on the trees! We don’t have smoke in our area anymore, but prayers would be appreciated for the fires elsewhere.
Thanks for looking at these pictures! I know there was a lot… you’ll see the rest of them… um. I think not this coming Monday, but the Monday after that? Maybe?
Favorite/least favorite photo? What do you like to do at your Grandma’s house? How’s the weekend looking for you?
Lovely photography! 😀 <3
Thank you!!