Hi everyone! Sorry today’s post is up later, I was gonna get it up earlier but I was talking over Hangouts for like 2 hours with a bunch of my Camp NaNo friends over the drama of a prank that went too far *cough* but no hard feelings XD
Today I am doing an author interview and review for Jesseca’s blog tour for her new book I Don’t Dance!
Also this is my first book review so YAY!
Let’s go! (I am in bold and italics)
Oh, and here’s the tour schedule!
Wednesday, June 20th
Libby May//Review – Geoturtle
Allyson Kennedy//Author Interview, Review – Authoring Arrowheads
Liz//Author Interview, Review – Home with the Hummingbirds
Victoria Goodbrand//Author Interview – Victoria’s Book Nook
Thursday, June 21st
Soleil Bourdon//Review, Book Spotlight – Reviews By Soleil
Faith Potts//Review, Book Spotlight – Stories by Firefly
Janelle Martin//Review – The Ramblings of a Bookworm
Friday, June 22nd
Laura//Review – Beautiful Things
Chloe//Review – Purely by Faith Reviews
Rebekah Eddy//Review, Author Interview, Book spotlight – Rebekah’s Remarks
Molly Anne//Review – Set Apart for Him
Abigail McKenna//Review – Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Saturday, June 23rd
Angela Watts//Book Spotlight – The Peculiar Messenger
Kaylee H.//Book Spotlight – Keylee’s Kind of Writes
Kellyn Roth//Review – Reveries
Kate//Book Spotlight – Twin Thoughts
First off, tell us a little about yourself, Jesseca!
I’m a 19 year old homeschool graduate and author. I love anything to do with books, Kansas, and the outdoors
How many books have you wrote? And are you going to pursue writing as a career?
Oh goodness, I’m not even sure how many I’ve written. I’ve published 2 novels, 5 novellas, and 1 short story. With another novella and novel about to be published this year. And while I enjoy writing, no, I don’t plan to make a career of it. My plan is to pursue a career as an EMT, and then after that go onto a career as a paramedic or ER nurse.
Wow, you have come far on this hobby!
What is your favorite genre to write?
Historical fiction is my top favorite, but contemporary is quickly becoming another favorite. Basically, anything that involves the U.S. military is something that is a favorite of mine to write.
Cool! I have an idea for a historical fiction novel that I want to write, someday!
Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
Ohhh, that’s a hard question. Mike and Jen and Ty are all favorites. As are the rest of the characters. Honestly, I’m not sure I could choose just one favorite. I love them all.
Haha, same! Mike was such a great character!! He was so funny XD
Which of your characters is most like yourself?
Ty. Def. Ty. We’re a lot of like in so many ways. We both spend way too much time on Instagram, have a friend who we can’t live without, and often have a difficult time realizing what the next step in life is supposed to be.
Do any of your family members or friends inspire your characters? (I know I do this XD)
Besides being a lot like me, Ty was inspired in part by a good friend of mine. Mike was also inspired by another close friend of mine, and the Davis family have many of the same characteristics of my own family.
What are some of your favorite books?
Anything by Sarah Sundin or Faith Potts. Other then that, there are so many there’s no way I could list them all, and a few are unpublished.
That’s how I feel about it, there’s too many good books XD
What authors do you draw the most inspiration from?
Sarah Sundin is a big one, because she writes epic WWII fiction. Tricia Goyer, Emily Ann Putzke, and Ivy Rose are others that have written books that inspire me.
What was the hardest part about writing ‘I Don’t Dance’?
I Don’t Dance deals with the aspect of trusting God when the answer is “wait”. This is something I’d been struggling with a lot during the time I wrote the book, thought not quite in the same way as Ty. So even writing about the subject required vulnerability that I don’t normally put into my writing. I’d have to say that was the most difficult part.
Okay, thanks for doing this interview with me, Jesseca!
Now, onto the review!
About The Book:
I Don’t Dance by Jesseca Wheaton (Goodreads)
Ty and Jen have been friends for nearly as long as anyone can remember. But when Ty goes off to college and leaves her behind, he has to face the reality that he cares for her as more than just a friend.
As graduations approaches and with only one summer left before he begins basic training, Ty must make a decision. Military life is never easy; is it fair to force it on the one he loves?
In the midst of wrestling with the question and coming to the realization that summer is quickly drawing to a close, Ty struggles to face questions he cannot answer, and is forced to examine his own heart.
Is it possible that God has a future for him with Jen? Or will the summer close with only memories of days gone by?
Their relationship would be old fashioned. But that was okay. Because old fashioned and whimsical fit perfectly with a southern summer.
About the Author:
Jesseca is a daughter, sister, and a child of God. Her days are spent reading, cooking, spending time with siblings, or playing piano. And writing, of course! At an early age words fascinated her, and her love for the printed page has only grown. She lives with her parents and seven siblings in the sunny state of Kansas, and she’s convinced there’s no place like home.
Giveaway URL/Info:
First Place: Paperback copy of I Don’t Dance + Scotty McCreery’s Clear as Day album (U.S. winners only)
Second place: E-book copy of I Don’t Dance + $5 Krispy Kreme Giftcard
First off,
The Cover…
This is the part where I say whether I like the cover or not and rate it from 1-10
Now, I do like this cover! I think it is very cute, simple, and straight to the point! It represents this story very well!
I rate this cover….
9 stars!
(Image taken from Google)
There isn’t really anything bad in this book!
Unless you don’t like reading romance because this is a romance book XD
There are a few kisses and one of the main characters talks about being in love with someone but that’s all!
This novella has a lot of mentions of God because all of the characters are Christians! (at least as far as I know) The main characters especially are very strong Christians!
Some of my favorite quotes…
Summer. At that moment, the word took on a new meaning for Ty. This summer he’d have some answers. And those answers would impact the course of his life.
Mike shrugged and grinned. “Hey, what can I say? Observing others’ love lives is a hobby of mine. I can’t help but meddle in your affairs.”
She reconfigured the numbers in the computer, then told him the new total. He handed her the cash, and she gave him the doughnuts in return.
After handing him back the change, she smiled. “Have a nice night, sir. And thank you for your service.”Ty nodded. “Of course; thank you.”
My thoughts and other random things…
1. The Instagram references and Ty (I guess Mike too) being on Instagram some, bugged me a bit, but I suppose it’s necessary to the story
2. Mike and his personality and mischievousness was hilarious and had me laughing out loud quite a few times!
He might have been my favorite character, I’m not sure!
3. I just loved the humor in general in this book, it was very funny!
4. Also the romance didn’t seem fake or anything. By Jesseca’s writing, you could definitely tell Ty and Jen cared for each other (which is good XD)
5. As I mentioned before the people in this book were very strong Christians and I liked that!
And now!
My rating (out of five stars) for I Don’t Dance…
I rate this book…..
4 stars!
(Image also taken from Google)
Thank you for letting me read your novella, Jesseca!
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!
Did you enjoy my interview with Jesseca? How about my review of I Don’t Dance? Have you read this book? Will you check it out? Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Also Kate is doing a blog tour for her book Kiera as well and is hosting a giveaway! Check it out here! Also check out her book on Goodreads here!
Rose is holding a Q&A in honor of her one year blogoversary, ask here some questions here!
AND! (last thing, I promise) RATC will be starting soon so if you haven’t already joined and would like to, please enter our contest! See what it’s all about, here!
Great post, Liz! And congrats on your first book review!
Thanks for linking to me. 
Thanks, Kate! Haha, thank you!
It was the least I could do for not being able to participate in your tour (plus it gives me extra entries to your giveaway *cough*) 
We’ll definitely have to get you in on it next time! Ha, ha! Extra entries are worth it…
For sure!! XD
This book was good!
Yeah, I thought so too!
This sounds like a cool book! *adds to list of things I still need to buy*
It was! Haha XD
I enjoyed reading the interview! Thanks for the book review, it looks so good and I definitely want to get it and read it
Thanks, I’m glad!
Your welcome! Yeah, it was a great little book 
Awesome interview!!
What a neat book! I’d love to read it, haha! 

Thank you! It was such a sweet read!
Thank you so much for the wonderful author interview and review! And for being a part of the blog tour.
Your welcome! Haha, of course! <3