How’s everyone doing? Camp NaNo going well for ya? (you’ll find out how mine went, next month, after it’s over, 😉 ) (and if I will end up finishing my novel or not 😛 ) Today I’m sharing some pictures with you, I took one evening, after supper, in my backyard. I’m not even sure …
Tag: bees
Hummingbirds + Wisteria {Photo shoot at Grandma’s}
Hello everyone! I am sorry there was no post on Monday, I was super busy! :/ Also, sorry, this post is a little late… Anyway today I am showing you a photo shoot I took quite a while ago. All the way back to Easter, in fact. But I am posting it now. I took these …
My Favorite Pictures from February and March!
Hello! Happy early Easter! Today I am sharing my favorite pictures from February and March! 😀 Check out my last post like this here.  This picture is not very good. I took on my Mom’s phone while we were driving but there was a gorgeous sunset that day, it was even prettier than this …