Hello everyone! Today I have an exciting post welcoming my little brother, Andrew to my blog! This has been requested by a few different people so now, I am doing it! 😀 (if you have any other post suggestion, let me know in the comments or through the contact page, because it is pretty likely I …
Tag: funny
An Interview with my sister????
Hello everyone! Today I bring to you an interview that I did with my sister. My questions for her are in bold and her answers are in normal font. 😀 Welcome Claire! 😀 *indicates to The Interview Chair in which she is supposed to sit but we’re actually on my bed to it’s just a blue back …
Interview with Siri (Part 2)
Hello! I am back with Part 2 of “An Interview with Siri” The last post got 16 comments!! It was crazy! (That may not seem like a lot to some of you but it is for me 😀 ) Ok I’m gonna get right into it! Also sorry I’ve been posting at like 6 at …