Button Swap

Hello!! This is my blog button! Feel free to “steal” it and put it on your blog, or tell me in the comments if you would like to swap! πŸ™‚

Check out The Blanket Burrito here…

blog button

See A Farm Girl’s Life here…

alittlebitofrunion button

Find A Little Bit of Runion here…

{no longer active}

Find Crazy A here…

Check out [title of blog] here…

See Purely Olivia here…

Find When Words Fly here…

Check out Through the Eyes of Gracie here…

Cassia Elisabeth here…

Find My Homeschool Notebook here…

Check out Learning to Live: Struggling to Thrive here…


See Ariana’s Archives here…

Check out Total Bradness here…


The Art Lab here….

Live-creativelyQuaint and Darling here…


Misty Rain here…

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Find Syd Inspired here….

Find Julia’s Creative Corner here…


logo{no longer active}

American Girl World here….

Dreaming of Guatemala here….

Button 5

{not currently active}

Check out Pananaw here…

Middle Mary Blog Button

Find Middle Mary here…

Screenshot 2018-06-18 at 3.41.34 PM

Lil Miss Country here…


Find Annie Cate Anderson here…


Kaelyn’s Life here…

Entries of an Alaskan Journal here…

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Writings From A Farmgirl here…

Ani’s Books here…

jbb button 1

The Junebug Blog here….

Chloe Lights here…

Let me know if your button needs updating, or if you want to swap!! πŸ˜‰



    1. Sure!! πŸ˜€ Your button is going up ASAP!! No, I only have this one, although I do weekly updates on my Dad’s church blog…why do you ask?

      1. Awesome, thanks! Thank you for understanding. Oh, and now just as I say that, I got it to work!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ *posts picture*

    1. Hi Olivia! Ok, I would be happy to do it! πŸ˜€ <3 I love how you re-did it by the way! It's so pretty! And your header!

    1. Well… you can go to whatever design website you use (Canva for me), choose a size you want your button to be and what I did was a circle with a blue outline and then I added text with the name of my blog. I also downloaded some hummingbirds from google and used those. Once you make a button page you upload your button onto it and insert a link to your blog. You do this with others buttons as well. πŸ™‚
      I hope that made sense — let me know if you have any other questions! πŸ˜‰

  1. Hey Liz! I was about to ask if you wanted to swap buttons, but then I saw that mine’s already on this page. Haha! I finally got around to creating a blog button page, so I’ll be adding yours now! <3 Thanks for sharing mine!

      1. Thank you so much! I am truly sorry for the delay but I have just put yours up now! Love your name and logo – I also admire hummingbirds!

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