Book Reviews

A Distance Too Grand Book Review

A Distance Too Grand (American Wonders Collection, #1)

A Distance Too Grand by Regina Scott (Goodreads)

This was my first time reading a book by Regina Scott and it did not fail to meet my expectations! The first thing that caught my eye was the cover — very pretty! And secondly the the word “photographer” in the blurb. ;P

I loved all the descriptions of the Grand Canyon — it made me feel as though I was right there, watching the plot play out! Overall, the whole expedition plot was very interesting  and real to me! I did like that while this is still a love story, (:D :D) during the expedition, there were real dangers and they were focused on, not shoved away.

The characters were all so unique! I was especially entertained by courageous Ben, headstrong Meg, and fiery Dot, but all the side characters were enjoyable as well. 🙂

The descriptions of Meg’s cameras and how she took her pictures were very interesting too, as I am interested in photography myself.

Four stars and recommended for 13+.

bookish sign off


  1. Hey Liz! <3 I've tried following your blog via email this time, because when I "followed" you on my other WordPress account, I kept thinking you'd quit posting because it never showed me your new posts in my Reader. <_< Who knows. lol so I've decided to really make sure I can keep up with your blog from now on!
    This sounds like such a cool book! 😀 I'll have to see if they have it at my library. I love the cover, unique location, plot … I should totally read it. <3

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