My life

WAFFLES!!!! + My Old Photography #1 + An ADORABLE Picture!

PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! WE HAD WAFFLES LAST SATURDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not had waffles in like 7 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok…so obviously this post is about waffles XD because I have not had waffles in the longest time ever! We had a big, bulky waffle maker a long time ago but it broke when I was like 5 or 6 🙁 I think….honestly I don’t really remember having waffles, a little bit but not really. Anyway we never got a new one but my Dad put it on his birthday wishlist this year and he got one!!!!!!!!!! AND THEY WERE AMAZING!!!!! (This post has so many exclamation points already XD) I think I like waffles better than pancakes now. Also I am starting a new series where I show you some of my old pictures. (probably from 2015 and 2016) Also I got the most adorable picture of my cat, Livvy the other day and I am also going to show you that as well. Ok this intro is get very very long…I think it’s the longest intro I’ve ever had so now I’m going stop talking? Typing? Whatever, and show you some pictures XD

YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Dad for making waffles!!


People meet the waffle that I ate 😀


 Thanks fork for photobombing my picture…..


 This is me trying to make my waffle look fancy, I don’t think it worked…. (also sorry for the white around the edge of the picture, my sister was taking pictures too so it’s probably the flash going off on her camera)


Ok time for some old pictures, all these pictures I took when my Grandparents took me and my siblings and some of my cousins to the zoo and they had a nice little area with ponds and flowers and things. (Sorry my sister was standing next to the flowers when I took this picture)


 It was so pretty! 🙂


 Doesn’t that look peaceful…. (the buildings behind the fence, I think, are places to eat your lunch)


 *happy sigh* so pretty!


 Annnd a really blurry picture of a duck….


 I love flowers! Do you?


 There were so many flowers and plants!


 Fish!! And my toe…


 Look at all those fish!!


This fish is such a bright orange color!


 Then on the way home we saw a rainbow!


 Sorry it looks so dark, I took it while we were in the car through the window.

 AWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Isn’t Livvy so cute! She’s sleeping on my bed and she under the covers!! She’s a tired little kitty! 😀 😀 😀  😀 😀

And that’s all folks! Thanks for reading! This post was incredibly long, sorry about that.

Do you love waffles? Favorite and least favorite picture? Have you ever been to the zoo? Was it fun?

Do you have any pets as adorable as mine? The answer is no




    1. So true. Especially when they’re warm, buttery, covered in maple syrup and a light snow of powdered sugar * happy sigh* What do you put on waffles?

      1. Oh my goodness you’re making me hungryyy, Claire! I put honey (of course), jam, and occasionally chocolate. I rarely eat waffles, which is such a shame. A growing child (ahem, teen) shouldn’t be deprived of her waffles!!

  1. Hey Liz! A fellow Californian Christ lover! 💕 love seeing your photos and yay for delish waffles! I love breakfast food so much it is what we had at our wedding! No joke! Following you btw! 💕

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