Polls and Interviews Q&A's

Interview with my brother!

Hello everyone! Today I have an exciting post welcoming my little brother, Andrew to my blog! This has been requested by a few different people so now, I am doing it! 😀

(if you have any other post suggestion, let me know in the comments or through the contact page, because it is pretty likely I will do them! 🙂 )

Let’s get right into it, this is gonna be funny! 😛

Me = bold

Andrew = normal


Thank you to my sister for helping me with one question, Jo for 4 questions, and Tess for another question! 😉

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Liz: Hi Andrew! How you doing?

Andrew: Good!

Liz: Awesome, let’s get right into the interview, okay?

Andrew: Alright!


L: Before this interview did you know I had a blog?

A: No.


L: Do you know what a blog is?

A: Like something where you interview somebody? Something where you interview somebody or something?

Haha XD


L: What do you like to do for fun?

A: I like to hang around in the backyard and have water fights!


L: Anything else?

A: Sometimes I…. lets see here… sometimes I like to play with the cat with string!

Okay 🙂


L: What’s your favorite movie and book?

A: Let’s see here… my favorite book is starting to be Calvin & Hobbs!

*I don’t type in the word, be by accident*

*Andrew is looking over my shoulder*

A: Starting to be Calvin & Hobbs!


L: Movie?

A: Probably Minions… a minions 2 or 3 or just minions…

(he means Despicable Me 2 and 3 😉 )


L: Puppies, kittens, or baby chickens?

A: *thinks* probably puppies and kittens… mostly puppies and kittens…

A: Next question!


L: What does your favorite t-shirt look like?

A: My favorite t-shirt is… is… has a yellow and blue dinosaur on it. And it used to be too big on me!

L: Cool!


L: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: And artist or a cook!

L: That’d be fun!


L: Which vegetable do you like better: Broccoli or Carrots?

A: Carrot

L: Haha, I’m not surprised! 😛 


L: What is your favorite insect?

A: *thinks* Maybe… a fly!

L: *laughs* Okay…


L: How do you say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

A: Me?

L: Yeah, you!

A: What was the word again?

L: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

A: Super-calal-istic-ala-docious??? *is confused*
L: Who’d win: Batman or Superman?

A: *drinks some Kool-Aid* Batman!
L: Who’s your favorite character in Incredibles?

A: The person who freezes the stuff!

L: Lucius? 

A: Yes.
L: How bad do your socks smell? (ugh)

A: I don’t know!

L: Why don’t you know?

A: What do you mean why don’t I know?

L: Why don’t you know how your socks smell?

A: Because I’ve never smelled them! *smirks* *puts empty Wheat Thins box on head*


What do you think of American girl dolls?

*makes weird face* That I think they’re really bad.



What’s your favorite color of dog?

Black spotted, white!

Okay, cool! Thanks for letting me-

How about what’s my favorite color?


Sure… what’s your favorite color?

My favorite color is light blue! And dark blue…

I like those colors too! 🙂


Okay, thanks for letting me interview you, Andrew!

Your welcome.

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Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed this!

(Psst! To read an interview with my sister, click here! 😛 )

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Have you ever interviewed your siblings? How many siblings do you have? What was your favorite question I asked Andrew? Should I interview anyone else?

Talk to ya soon!

summer sign off



  1. Oh my gosh haha, this was so much fun to read!! His answers were great 🙂 I recently interviewed my younger brother (he’s 6), and while I didn’t post it, I loved hearing his answers to my questions!

    1. Thank you, Maggie! 😀 Yeah!
      Oh, that’s so fun! (my brother’s only a few years older than that!) Little brothers are so funny 😉

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