Hello everyone! Today I have an exciting post welcoming my little brother, Andrew to my blog! This has been requested by a few different people so now, I am doing it!
(if you have any other post suggestion, let me know in the comments or through the contact page, because it is pretty likely I will do them! )
Let’s get right into it, this is gonna be funny!
Me = bold
Andrew = normal
Thank you to my sister for helping me with one question, Jo for 4 questions, and Tess for another question!
Liz: Hi Andrew! How you doing?
Andrew: Good!
Liz: Awesome, let’s get right into the interview, okay?
Andrew: Alright!
L: Before this interview did you know I had a blog?
A: No.
L: Do you know what a blog is?
A: Like something where you interview somebody? Something where you interview somebody or something?
Haha XD
L: What do you like to do for fun?
A: I like to hang around in the backyard and have water fights!
L: Anything else?
A: Sometimes I…. lets see here… sometimes I like to play with the cat with string!
L: What’s your favorite movie and book?
A: Let’s see here… my favorite book is starting to be Calvin & Hobbs!
*I don’t type in the word, be by accident*
*Andrew is looking over my shoulder*
A: Starting to be Calvin & Hobbs!
L: Movie?
A: Probably Minions… a minions 2 or 3 or just minions…
(he means Despicable Me 2 and 3 )
L: Puppies, kittens, or baby chickens?
A: *thinks* probably puppies and kittens… mostly puppies and kittens…
A: Next question!
L: What does your favorite t-shirt look like?
A: My favorite t-shirt is… is… has a yellow and blue dinosaur on it. And it used to be too big on me!
L: Cool!
L: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: And artist or a cook!
L: That’d be fun!
L: Which vegetable do you like better: Broccoli or Carrots?
A: Carrot
L: Haha, I’m not surprised!
L: What is your favorite insect?
A: *thinks* Maybe… a fly!
L: *laughs* Okay…
L: How do you say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
A: Me?
L: Yeah, you!
A: What was the word again?
L: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
A: Super-calal-istic-ala-docious??? *is confused*
L: Who’d win: Batman or Superman?
A: *drinks some Kool-Aid* Batman!
L: Who’s your favorite character in Incredibles?
A: The person who freezes the stuff!
L: Lucius?
A: Yes.
L: How bad do your socks smell? (ugh)
A: I don’t know!
L: Why don’t you know?
A: What do you mean why don’t I know?
L: Why don’t you know how your socks smell?
A: Because I’ve never smelled them! *smirks* *puts empty Wheat Thins box on head*
What do you think of American girl dolls?
*makes weird face* That I think they’re really bad.
What’s your favorite color of dog?
Black spotted, white!
Okay, cool! Thanks for letting me-
How about what’s my favorite color?
Sure… what’s your favorite color?
My favorite color is light blue! And dark blue…
I like those colors too!
Okay, thanks for letting me interview you, Andrew!
Your welcome.
Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed this!
(Psst! To read an interview with my sister, click here! )
Have you ever interviewed your siblings? How many siblings do you have? What was your favorite question I asked Andrew? Should I interview anyone else?
Talk to ya soon!
Such a cool and fun interview!! I enjoyed reading this! Btw, how old is your brother?
Thanks, Ann! We had fun doing it! I’m not allowed to say his exact age, but he’s going into 3rd grade
Haha, fun!
Thanks, Gracie!
This is a great idea! I have seven siblings – maybe some time I’ll have to do this!
Thank you! Oh wow XD
That would be awesome!
That was awesome
Haha, thank you!
Oh my gosh haha, this was so much fun to read!! His answers were great I recently interviewed my younger brother (he’s 6), and while I didn’t post it, I loved hearing his answers to my questions!
Thank you, Maggie! Yeah!
Oh, that’s so fun! (my brother’s only a few years older than that!) Little brothers are so funny
Aww, so cute! I always love reading siblings interviews. I have one sister, and she’s three years older than me!
Haha, thank you, Olivia! Me too, they’re so fun! Cool!
What a great interview with your brother, Liz!! It sounded like you all had a lot of fun doing it!!
Thanks, Kaelyn! We did!